
Pembrokeshire Sea Cliff Climbing

Guided and Group Climbing Adventures 

It's been another busy few days working on the sea cliffs. Firstly I had the company of Dave and Ella up in North Pembrokeshire, where we visited a less frequented area and had an idilic crag to our selves! The following day I met up with Pulkit, Ankur and Zeck down in South Pembroke, where we all got busy building anchors, and I demonstrated how to equalise multi point anchors to set up top ropes. Four ropes set up we headed down to the crag to get on with the climbing. After we had climbed out our first crag, we strolled over to Saddle Head and made a ropes scramble down the ridge and down to the crag. We climbed the fantastic Flake Quake to finish. Nice one guys, top day!  

A Slow Boat To Skomer

Rope Access Abseiling Work

Today I was up early to drive over and catch the first boat over to Skomer Island, on the South West tip of Pembrokeshire. Skomer is home to some of the most important and rare sea birds that come to Britain during nesting season. I had been asked to come over and assist with some abseiling that Elspeth (a phd student) needed to do to get some information on Gillimots that are nesting on a certain part of the island. The weather was great, the Bluebells and Campions were spectacular and the day was an absolute pleasure! Thanks to everyone I met and the fun that was had. Can't wait to go back!  

Exciting Climbs and Another Dead Camera

Pembroke Sea Cliffs, Tremadog and Gogarth Rock Climbs 

So, it was off to Mother Carey's on Friday to meet up for the initial day of Steve's stag do. I met with Steve, Dave and Caliean at the car park and headed to the cliffs. Steve was ordered to climb the classic Rock Idol and I was climbing with Dave. When we got down, I spotted a line that looked fun. We didn't have the guide book with us and I couldn't remember anything that mentioned routes on the wall to the right of the Wraith arete. I headed up a steep crack to beneath a roof. After trying to pull out right a couple of times, I opted for a left exit option. This proved a techie little number and came onto the Wraith arete, to then head right, back onto the wall and a dodgy belay at half hight. After a traverse across and up the Cracks Wall, we were back at the top. Caliean, having seconded Steve on Rock Idol, was up for something a little steeper and started the tricky abseil into the high tide belay of Just Cling On, on the super steep Space Face. Me and Dave took our places on the viewing platform opposite the Space Face and got ready for the action! A brilliant performance by Caliean saw him at the top of a very exciting looking climb. Both me and Dave didn't fancy swapping places with Steve. Steve put up a great fight to clean the route and gave a very good performance indeed - let's hope he isn't challenged too much each day of his stag do...

That evening Edmund came round and bags were thrown into my van and we booted it up to Snowdonia. We climbed at Tremadog on Saturday, ticking off some great routes on Craig Pant Ifan (Stromboli, Cardiac Arete, Helsinki Wall and Ed finishing on Spare Rib). I forgot to take my camera to the crag, so no photos from Tremadog. That evening we drove off to Gogarth for some "big fun" on Sunday. We started by walking in via North Stack - a way I've not explored before and found our way over to the top of Wen Zawn. I peered over at Wen Slab and the famous route Dream of White Horses, which I had climbed almost ten years previously. I threw the abseil rope down where I thought the descent to Britomartis was. After committing to the abseil, features began to look familiar and eventually I was back down at the belay ledge, just above the uncaring sea. Ed joined me and I set off on Spider Wall, a two pitch route taking in some impressive ground. That done, Ed was up for something a harder, so we headed off for North Stack. The wind was blowing hard and I put on my hat and gloves. The abseil (off an old sawn off wooden telegraph pole) filled me with apprehension - Surely this is strong enough...? Ed went first with one rope on his back and his full rack. I consoled myself with the fact that Ed would have weighed far more than me with all that on, as I tied the second rope round my back and put my self onto the abseil. North Stack felt pretty scary... As I made the descent I noticed long loops of tat, hanging like casualties from former ascents of Doug Scott's major roof aid climb The Big Overhang from 1967. Seeing this line of shredded tat, though the roofs of an impossible looking challenged made me feel even more out of place. 

Ed was keen to get onto Blue Peter - a terrifying looking E4 up a large, loose looking wall, with the apparent crux only 8 meters off the ground. To be honest, It was one of the scariest belays I'd ever done and by the time Ed had got to the top, I had already made up my mind to jumar out. As I had jumared about 20m, I heard a smash from below. It was my camera that had fallen out of an open pocket. So the big question was: Was my "bash proof" camera that bash resistant?... No, not bash proof when it comes to a North Stack boulder beach I guess... 

On Monday I tagged on a NICAS moderation for a Leisure Centre in North Wales to bring some form of working normality back into my life. Fun, head games and work. 

Work and Play - A Busy Few Days

At the end of last week I was out in the St. David's area with Allan, an experienced rock climber with over 40 years climbing experience. He was down in Pembrokeshire on holiday with his wife and was basically after a belayer who could also drop in some local knowledge so he could get leading some cool routes. After a very quick check that his skills were sound, it was over to him and I enjoyed a day of belaying and seconding brilliant routes :-) 

Over the weekend I was running an Introduction to Sea Cliff Climbing course for the BMC. This had three people on it: John, Malcolm and Rachael, who were all super keen to develop existing skills to feel happier pushing their limits in exciting places as well as being confident to take less experienced climbers out themselves. We covered lots of important skills and even got to climb some great routes too - Nice! 

On the Saturday evening, after work I also met up with Edmund and climbed a route that had been on my tick list for far too long - Lucky Strike at Rusty Walls. What a great route! If you've not done it yet, don't delay, do it today!! 

New Routes in Pembroke and a NICAS Moderation

New Rock Climbs on the Pembrokeshire Sea Cliffs

Last week I was out doing the first NICAS moderation of the season in South Wales for Rock Uk, The Summit Centre. A very large indoor climbing centre, well worth a look if you're in the area. Today I was out with with Paul and decided to head to the non bird banned right hand section of Ripper Cliff, with eyes on new routes. I kicked off with a great looking line that took in a chimney, a crux wall and excellent hanging corner at E1 5b, worth a star and given the name "Put it on the Bill". Paul then took a line to it's left, snaking up grooves to an overhang and nice head wall above at HVS 5a and also deserving of a star. After abseiling down again, I headed up a line to the right of PIOTB, following a slab, rib then steeper tricky slab, into a corner and exiting up left. This was called "Rip Off" and went at HVS 5a. Paul finished by climbing another new line right of RO, again at HVS 5a. Not a bad day of new routing on great rock on a great cliff. Still plenty of potential on the fantastic Pembrokeshire sea cliffs!